My life is simple, but it's so complicated

My life is simple, firstly i want to be a professional accountant on my career, then make my parent feel proud of me and make they feel happiness, in the end have a wonderful family and life happiness ever after.. But, there are so many situation, would made my life is so complicated.. Because, until now i still studying on the 2nd grade of my degree program to get my title of Bachelor of Business Accounting then get the CPA.. So, i must completing my degree to make my parents and my girlfriend feel proud of me.. That 's so complicated. But, i'm so glad to have my girlfriend.. Because, she makes my life so colorful.. Her name is Namita Dwinanti, she always help me to solves my problems and she always makes me feel that i must revenge to get the best change of my life.. that's all.. thanks


Primanda Aditra Desyanto


Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, January 16, 2010


He is my youngest brother
He likes a lot of toys
he wouldn't sleep and online with facebook until 24.01 to wait for this day
I think today is his best day ever
because today is his birthday
i miss him...



Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Salahkah tidak jika kita menjadi orang terlalu baik dalam menjalani sebuah hubungan?

Salahkah tidak jika kita menjadi orang terlalu baik dalam menjalani sebuah hubungan?
Saya rasa tidak, tetapi hal itu bisa berakibat fatal apabila terlalu baik dalam suatu hubungan karena bisa disalah artikan oleh pasangannya..
Kalau kita lihat dari sisi positifnya pasangan bisa menganggap itu semua sebagai pedoman dan apabila kita lihat dari sisi negatifnya juga bisa dianggap seenaknya saja atas keegoisannya tanpa melihat sisi positif dari pasangannya yg terlalu baik..
Di dalam suatu hubungan boleh lah jadi orang yang baik tetapi sebagai laki-laki harus memiliki sifat keras terhadap pasangannya.. Keras maksudnya mempunyai prinsip untuk diri kita, masa depan dan pmbenahan untuk hubungannya, jadi walaupun menjadi orang baik dalam suatu hubungan juga harus mempunyai prinsip sehingga pasangan tidak berani untuk menginjak-injak harga diri kita untuk menjaga persaan masing-masing..
Kalau kita berperilaku baik maka lawan jenis kita juga harus berperilaku baik sebagai mana mestinya dan mengerti maksd baik dari kita...
Banyak hal dari orang yg berperilaku baik terhadap pasangannya yang membuat pasangannya menjadi nyaman, aman dan merasa terjaga, maka dari itu pasangan harus mengerti maksud baiknya untuk menjaga kebaikannya..
Orang yang baik pasti juga punya batas kesabaran...
Jika saat itu datang dan terlepas kendali karena telah dikhianati atau diinjak oleh pasangannya pasti kebaikan itu akan berubah menjadi keangkuhan sehingga memunculkan keributan dalam hubungan...
Untuk itu jadilah orang yg baik tetapi mempunyai prinsip dalam hidup yg harus di mengerti oleh pasangannya ataupun orang lain..
Selama kita dijalan yang benar dan menjalaninya dengan benar pasti Allah tau maksud kebaikan kita sesungguhnya, untuk itu bagi pasangan yg tidak bisa atau belum mengerti maksud baik dan selalu mengkritik serta melawan kebaikan kita lebih baik mereka sadari diri mereka sendiri dahulu dan introspeksi pada diri mereka, apakah mereka sudah berbuat baik kepada pasangannya? kalau mereka sudah merasa berbuat baik , selagi mereka benar mereka pasti tidak akan menyinggung kebaikan dari kita dan sebisa mungkin menjaga perasaan kita...
Untuk itu selama mereka belum bisa sadar akan kesalahan mereka, kebaikan kita tidak akan bisa mereka mengerti..
Untuk itu pesan dari post ini " jadilah orang yang baik dan mengerti maksud kebaikan orang lain atau pasangannya sebelum semuannya menjadi terlambat.."
Karena orang yang baik pasti memiliki sifat kesetiaan dan tanggung jawab yang lebih terhadap pasangannya sehingga pasangan harus mengerti akan hal itu untuk saling menjaga perasaan masing-masing..

Saturday, January 9, 2010


My Room

Every time i always do my activity in here, if i don't have any activity in outside....
Like chatting, reading , studying, sleeping, wearing a cloth and taking a nap.....
It's small room and cheap but its cozy and comfortable for me..

So, i love my room...


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Poem from my mom

Allah breaks our spirit to save our soul....
Allah breaks our heart to make as a whole.....
Allah send us pain so we can be stronger....
Allah sends us failure so we can be humble.....
Allah sends us illness so we can take care of ourselves....
Allah takes everything away from us...
So we can learn the value of everything
that Allah has given to us......

My mom got this poem from her friends.. Because she remembered me, so she gave me this poem to teach us to be closer to Allah as love when we feel happy and still must to do the tawakal because that can remain to us to be stronger in many situations that will happen..

Friday, January 1, 2010

"PEnat dan tawa yang telah kita lewati bareng-bareng akan selalu kita keNANG"

" PEnat dan tawa yang telah kita lewati bareng-bareng disana akan selalu kita keNANG"

It was so boring in that island because we thought just the beach which can for relaxing our stuff, but i like the togetherness from us when we've been there.. It couldn't be erased from my mind and it was increase my experience.. Because our togetherness can solve our problem of that island to countdown for new year event to 2010, so while we got bored of that island, the condition of us couldn't be bored.. I think this trip, it was an unique experience and unforgottable.. Because, friendship and partnership will never be ending..

From left to right: namita"my love", nabila, aya
From left to right: Ditra"me", inu ,ellang

Welcome to the Batu Ferringhi

Batu Ferringhi is a beach in Penang Island..
We stay in there for 2 days and 1 night in Padua Inn near from the beach..
first after we arrived there we had some lunch in Sunset Bistro, the food is delicious... It is in the Beach of Batu Ferringhi..

Sunset Bistro

In Sunset Bistro, we found the unique of people:

"Two old ladies feels like they young again" and "A cute baby"

Then, on the evening we went to the beach for relaxing our stuff and also to waiting for countdown the new year event to 2010..

Here there are:

When we was sitting in the beach, then we met two boys from Australia..
Their name are Adam and Jessie..
They 're very cute, even they annoyed to us like running around us then touched our head and said "toing-toing" , "tickle-tickle" but they love us..
When they wanted to go to somewhere else with their parents, they hug us first one by one and kiss our chick..
They very naughty and annoyed but they are lovable children..

Before Counting down to 2010..
There was an attraction fireworks for celebrate the New Year Event to 2010..
Ok, please watch it the video of fireworks attraction...

And after we watched it, we celebrate it with drank some wine..
Aya bought it wine from Jakarta.. But namita didn't drink it because she didn't like it...
Then we say "CHEERRS" to 2010 and make a wish for the resolution in 2010...


and this is my idea, i make it from sand..

LOVE YOU, my love.. hehehe

My resolution's for 2010: hope will be success for all subject on this year with the best grade and always be together forever and ever with Namita Dwinanti...

I think the conclusion that we got from its topic, which is the togetherness..
The togetherness is the most important thing for the trip...